Knowledge Center – Heath Information Management System (KC-HIMS): The Pennsylvania DOH has purchased access to the situational awareness web site Knowledge Center. In addition to having all of the features of the EMA Knowledge Center, the DOH page also has the added component of the Healthcare Management System. KC-HIMS is slated to replace the FRED system and Total Visibility on 12/31/13. Once full integration occurs the KC-HIMS program and the EMA version will have lateral information sharing. This will allow EMS, Hospitals, EMA, and Long Term Care facilities to share information in real-time. KC-HIMS will be used to create incidents, track incidents, log patients for MCI’s and evacuations, and multiple other functions.
CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management):The EMMCO West CISM team, led by Clinical Director, Mary Rollinger, has a primary mission of assisting emergency services personnel in coping with normal reactions to abnormal events. To activate the CISM team, call EMMCO West at 814-337-5380. There are directions for team activation 24/7.
Special Event Plan: Large events have the potential to dramatically stress local emergency resources should an untoward event occur. It is highly recommended that EMS agencies work with event planners, municipal leaders, fire, police and other emergency services to plan for such events. There is a template plan and post event reporting form to the right. You can submit your special event EMS plan to your regional council for DOH approval.
EMS Strike Team: The PA Department of Health, Bureau of EMS, has identified 150 ambulance services throughout the Commonwealth to participate in the EMS Strike Team program. These teams of ambulances are designed to quickly mobilize and respond to locations experiencing significant EMS system surge. The teams have deployed both in-state and out-of-state. Team members receive immunizations, training, and equipment/supplies needed to be self-sufficient for up to 72 Hours. Each responding ambulance is staffed with a minimum of 4 EMS certified personnel, capable of performing 24 hour operations. These teams are activated through the local county EMA, EMS Regional Council, PEMA, or the PA Department of Health.
MSEC Trailer: (Mobile Surge Equipment Cache): Regional EMS Councils throughout the Commonwealth have received at least one MSEC trailer from the PA Department of Health. The trailer system is designed to augment and supplement local emergency response systems in the time of an EMS system surge event (disaster, pandemic, etc..). The trailer is designed to establish a medical support shelter for non-critical medical patients. It uses existing facilities (i.e.. school gymnasium, social hall) within a community. The trailer is supported by the regional EMS Strike Team and by local emergency management personnel. The MSEC trailer can also be used for temporary housing of emergency personnel, portable shelter (cooling/warming station), or for incident management operations. The MSEC can be requested through the local EMA, regional EMS council, PEMA, or PA Department of Health
Erie Regional Medical Reserve Corps: The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) was founded after President Bush’s 2002 State of the Union Address following the 9/11 terrorist attack in NYC in which he asked all Americans to volunteer in support of their country. The MRC allows for medical and non-medical volunteers to be ready to offer their expertise in an organized manner in the case of a large-scale emergency and also to promote health living throughout the year.